Here is me with my friend, Justin, the only one in the house who could begin to understand what I was going through...
That was the first day after my surgery, before my moms figured out that I could still get at my stitches, even with the cone on. They tried a bigger cone, but it was so big it fell off my head! So, Mama came up with this "cone extension"...

For the first couple days I just pretty much lied around and made them feel sorry for me. Then, I realized I could use the cone as a tool. I started using it to scoop up all manner of objects, and it was also good to do headstands on!
Anyhow, I'm now feeling much better, so on to more important things. I've realized lately that there have been some parts of my house that I've really left unexplored. For example, I always thought that the bedroom closet was merely a place to steal socks and other dirty laundry from. Nay nay! I spent some quality time in there last night, (Mom and Mama thought I was lost), and there are all sorts of fun things--flip flops, hiking boots, stockings, even a life size ET doll! Another fun area is the bathtub. Now, I know, I've talked about the bathtub before, but I'd never really just hopped in there while it was unoccupied. It's nice and cool in there, it has snacks like soap and shaving cream, and sometimes leftover bath water.
Let's see, what else has happened since my surgery...
- I bit my tongue while playing with my buddies and had to be taken to the vet
- I spent a few days at Grandma and Grandpa's in Delaware while the air conditioning in our house was broken
- I went on my first hike in the mountains
- I got attacked by two crazed Dobermans in the park
Plus, I can add the following items to the list of things I've tried to consume:
- Kitchen timer
- Sharpie marker
- Blue cake frosting
- a CD
- three different types of keychains
- dandelions
- Mom's hibiscus tree
- watering can
- bottle cap
- Wii remote
- bathing suit
- a moth
- tape dispenser
- bar of soap
- shampoo bottle
- ladies disposable razor
Of all the things on the list, I think I'd only go back for seconds of the blue frosting and maybe the hibiscus tree. Although, the soap was kind of tasty--I'm not sure why washing your mouth out with soap would be a punishment.
In any case, I'm sorry for my prolonged absence, and I assure you that it will not be so long until you hear about my next adventures. I'm about to take a trip to Buffalo, and I'm sure there will be many good stories to tell.
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