Monday, January 12, 2009

But, I'm big boned!

A very distressing thing happened to me Friday evening, and I'm just now coming to terms with it. I'd been telling myself it was just my winter coat coming in, or that training for the 5K has made me bulk up, but it's time to face the music. I, Oliver, am a pudgy poodle. I stepped onto the scale at the vet's office, and was so shocked to see the numbers that I tried to jump right off. It seems that since my "procedure" in May, I have gained three pounds! That may not sound like a lot, but it was an increase of nearly 20%! That's like a 150 pound person gaining 30 pounds! The vet was very tactful and said I looked good, but that I "didn't need to gain any MORE weight."

Needless to say, I'm now on a strict diet. I'm really cutting back and limiting myself to one peanut butter snack per day, no exceptions. I'm thinking of using my blog as part food diary to count calories. For example, on Sunday, I ate:
  • Two 3/4 cup servings of Nutro dog food
  • two small chunks of rawhide bone
  • four tufts of Winston's fur (we play rough)
  • two cardboard drink coasters
  • one pita cracker
  • one paper napkin
  • one twistie tie
  • the cap to the orange juice carton
  • two spoons coated in peanut butter while I was having my manicure
  • half of Winston's peanut butter while he was getting his manicure
  • one of those puffy cheese poof dog treats that Cousin Jason sent for me
  • my usual bedtime snack of 5-7 pieces of whatever dog food Mom got a free sample of at the organic pet store
Anyone know how many calories are in a paper napkin?


sockmom said...

Oliver,Oliver,Oliver they should have told you that you come from a big boned family. I too am big boned. I discovered this after turning 50. Don't worry on you it is all cute.

Oliver said...

Thanks Grandma :-) I think I'm going to go with your motto of "I'm not fat, just fluffy!"