Friday, January 18, 2008

How will the toothfairy find my crate?

Dear readers, I have some very exciting news to share.  I lost my first tooth!  The best part was that I really freaked my moms out.  (Author's note: due to reader request, from here on out we shall call the mom who's name is Abbe "Mom" and the mom who's name is Lauren "Mama"--she is part Italian, after all.)  We were playing the game where Mom goes in the bathroom and shuts the door, and then I have to try and push it open.  I love this game, and sometimes I'll even bring presents with me to show Mom how much I like the game.  So, I had the white fuzzy toy that Aunt Martha gave me for Hannukah, and I waited a few minutes, and then made a very dramatic entrance into the bathroom.  I left the toy at Mom's feet as a present, but Mom shrieked, and yelled for Mama to come over.  There was blood all over the toy, it was like doggie Psycho! Mama caught me, and then Mom looked in my mouth and saw that I had lost a tooth.  Apparently this is normal, but no one is sure where the tooth went, which worries me because I am expecting gifts from the toothfairy, at least a hot dog or something, maybe even a bacon-double-cheeseburger if I'm really lucky.   If I don't have the tooth to put under my crate, how will the toothfairy know where to leave the presents?

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