Well, readers, it's been a long day. I slept in until 7, romped about in the white toy (which has gotten very slippery and wet since yesterday), and then my moms and I got in the car and went for a ride. We got out at the shopping mall (aka Petsmart), and went inside, and then paid a visit to some ladies in the salon that we visited last week. Only, I sensed something was awry...last time we visited, Mom came in with me and I sniffed everything, and the ladies there went gaga over me (as usual), and then we bought some toys and left. This time, my moms left me with the ladies! They're nice and all, but I was a little concerned that my moms were leaving me with strangers--how irresponsible. Things only got worse from there. I can't tell you the terrible injustices, violations of personal space, and indignities that occurred--this is a family-friendly blog. Suffice it to say that beauty comes at a price, and in this case, the price was very, very steep. But, I took it like the manly man I am, and I must say, I think I came out looking like quite the dapper gentleman!

So, Mom and Mama came to pick me up, and luckily they had brought the fleece coat that Aunt Martha gave me, because with all my hair gone, I was freezing! Then, we all went to the park, and it turns out the white toy made it all the way to Kensington! We ran around in the snow with a bunch of other dogs, they were all really friendly, and I got LOTS of compliments on my new look. Here we are plotting to attack the white toy together...

After the park, we went home and I had a great nap. Then it was time for some housework. I helped by keeping the laundry warm. This is a very important job. Cold laundry is just unacceptable.

I would love to share more about my busy day, but I fear that I just cannot stay awake any longer. Now I know why all those great writers were addicted to coffee, but Mom and Mama keep theirs in the freezer, which I have yet to figure out how to open. It's just my height, though, so I'm sure it won't be long.
Until I find myself a big cuppa joe, I remain,
Sir Olivier de Takoma Park
My goodness Oliver you look fantastic in your new "do" and if I might add that new fleece does wonders for your figure (or are those puppy classes really starting to pay off?). Remind your mothers that the "white toy" comes in JUMBO size in Buffalo, NY! Give your moms big hugs and kisses for me.
Love from your Aunt Martha!
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