Now, some back story is required for you to understand how it came about that I tasted this nectar of the gods. First, you know I had been preparing for Passover for quite some time. All my cousins were going to be there, and I wanted to be at my best. It was a beautiful spring day, and while we were waiting for my cousins to arrive, Mom and I went out on Grandma's back deck. Grandma's house, and, subsequently, deck, are pretty small, and most of the space is taken up by what I had previously believed to be some sort of special tanning bed. It is, in fact, a giant hole in the deck! Of course, I investigated further...Mom had her feet in the hole, so it couldn't be too dangerous...

I walked all the way around the hole, several times. I sniffed it, I stuck my paw in it, I licked it, and I could find nothing objectionable about it, but, neither did I find it particularly interesting. I sat down next to Mom to get some sun and have a little snooze, but that didn't last long. Three of my standard Poodle cousins came barreling through the back door and onto the deck. As long as there are no steak bones involved, they are a fairly gregarious bunch, albeit quite large, and so began the requisite butt-sniffing and frolicking. Then, before I knew it, I was lost in the shuffle, and I lost my balance and went head over paws RIGHT INTO THE HOLE!
Well, I must tell you, I'd never felt anything quite like this before. It was kind of like getting a bath, only the water was hot and bubbly, and it wasn't just spraying on me, it was surrounding me. For a moment, I panicked, but then almost as quickly as I fell in, Mom was scooping me out. Grandma jumped up and got some towels, and everyone made a big fuss, which I enjoyed. Can you blame them, look at me...

So, you ask, what does all this have to do with chopped liver? Well, I looked so pathetic and everyone felt so bad for me after I got pushed into the hole, that they all started sneaking me little smackerels of chopped liver from the table. You might think that one little lick of liver isn't such a big deal, but when there are a dozen people who are all feeling sorry for you, that's quite a snack!
All in all, it was a most exhausting day. After my cousins left, and everyone else was hanging out in the hole, I snatched a prime spot on the couch to sleep off my liver overdose. Thank goodness Passover only comes once a year!
1 comment:
oh, oliver. i do love you. it was a wonderfull passover night even if your cousins are a bit much. you held your own quite well. Kisses, grandma socks.
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