Happy 2009! I must say, it has been a very busy holiday season for yours truly, and I'm still recovering from all the partying. I spent a lot of quality time at Grandma's, and made a new, feline friend. I know what you're thinking--"Ollie, you're WAY too cool to hang around cats, what were you thinking?" But, hear me out. Her name is Ruthie Kramer, and she shares my affinity for attention, food, and staring out (or, in her case, in) the window. I'll post a picture soon, but she lives outside Grandma's house, and every once in a while she comes in for a visit. In any case, Ruthie's one tough kitty--she lives outside without a sharp "Go Navy" sweater like mine, and she finds her way around the whole neighborhood by herself. Not too shabby for a pet of the feline persuasion.
In any case, the point of this post is to tell you that, like any good American, I've made some New Year's resolutions. I think they are all reasonable goals, and I'm going to try my best to stick to them:
1. Go cold turkey and quit my sock habit.
2. Even if it's only one sentence, write in my blog at least 5 days a week, no exceptions. Except when I make exceptions.
3. Post pictures in my blog at least once a week.
4. Re: resolution #1: Get the patch, as I've just fallen off the "giving up socks cold turkey" bandwagon.
5. Be nicer to Winston, except when he's being a lame-o doofus.
6. Train with Mom for the "Fast and Furriest" 5K race next October.
7. Overcome my fear of parked cars.
Meanwhile, Mama has made a resolution of her own:
http://iamstayinghere.blogspot.com We'll have to see who can keep theirs better.