Friday, December 21, 2007

My mentor...and French Fries

So, as you may have guessed, I am not the first dog in cyberspace.  I was inspired to share with you my innermost thoughts and musings after I read a blog written by a fabulous cockerspaniel named Jack.  You should all become loyal followers of his adventures at  I can only hope to become as wise and enterprising as Jack. Perhaps we can meet one day and I can get a personal lesson.  And as Jack suggests, I am adding a Blackberry to my wishlist so that I can blog from inside my crate.  Luckily, my mom likes to bake, so she will be happy (I'm sure) to make Jack's recipe for Snickerpoodles.  

In other news, I managed to attempt to eat a record number of items today.  The list includes, but is not limited to:
the carpet
a purple croc (only the left one)
socks, of course
a large, black rock
some tall grasses
another dog's poop
a scary mushroomy thing
a black walnut
several sticks
a paper towel
a bra
a guitar tuner
an issue of Outdoor Photographer
an issue of Cook's Illustrated
the toilet
the shower curtain
mom's coat
my collar
mom's cell phone
mom's reindeer antlers
and...the piece de resistance...half a french fry I found on the floor of the elevator!  

I think this was a good day's work, and tomorrow I'll try to eat many new items and tell you how they taste.  Luckily, I met a dog named Nora this morning in the park who told me if you dig through the couch cushions, you'll reach Alaska.  I have heard that Alaska is full of dogs and fish and other fun things, so I'm going to be digging every chance I get.  I'll let you know when I make it there.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Oliver, I think you need to designate Mom #1 and Mom #2. Otherwise how will we know whose cell phone you tried to eat and whose reindeer antlers?