Thursday, February 7, 2008

I should have all my socks taken away...

Dear readers, I beg your forgiveness. It has been many moons since I last wrote to you, my faithful followers. I won't make excuses, but let me just say that there has been a lot going on. First, I've found that this puppy chow my moms are feeding me is really packing on the pounds. Plus, Mom has a new job and is wrenching me from my peaceful slumber even earlier each morning. Therefore, I've started an exercise regimen. In addition to the walk that Mom takes me on, each morning and evening I take a swim down the hallway. How can I swim down the hallway, you might ask...well, if there is anyone out there willing to lend me a video camera, I would happily show you. That way you could use it as an instructional video and you, too, could be swimming down your hallway in no time, no water necessary!

There is an activity I have discovered where water IS necessary, and that is showering. I was always curious about what goes on behind that curtain in the bathroom, and I tried sticking my head in to see what would happen, but I always got turned away. Finally, one day Mama gave in and let me in the shower with her. Warren Eckstein would be proud. Anyway, it turns out the shower is really not all that exciting--I was pretty much ambivalent about my shower experience. It was ok, but not nearly as much fun as rock collecting.

I've also been making lots of new friends here in our nation's capital. I'm still hoping to meet Jack, my mentor, very very soon. I met a lovely golden retriever named Darby who used to live in New Mexico. He gave me a chili pepper he had brought all the way from Albuquerque, which I love. It turns out that chili peppers squeak--this discovery inspired me to do a little experiment to find out what sorts of things squeak when you chew them, and which things don't. Here are the results:

chili peppers
hot dogs
Fred (a very long, dog-like creature)
Poof (a white fluffy gingerbread-man shaped creature)
cell phones (more of a beep than a squeak, but still enjoyable)
Winston, my poodle puppy buddy

Don't squeak:
my collar
my paws
brushes (both human and canine, dental and hair-related)
the vacuum cleaner
the coffee table
TV remote control
ice cubes (though they are SO tasty it makes up for the lack of squeak)
gummy candy shaped like penguins.

I think it would be a great service to dog-kind if people started putting squeakers in these non-squeak items.

I must be off for my evening swim, but hopefully, soon I will post a video of my patented no-water swimming technique.


sockmom said...

No!!!You MUST never give up socks. Love, Sockmom

Unknown said...

I regret that my mom was not up to snuff and that Mama had to work over the weekend. I wanted to come teach you fun tricks like dragging your butt across the floor and some proper manners like cleaning your face on the floor after eating (preferrably not the same place you just were dragging your butt). We'll have to set up another play date--I know we'll have a good time. Paw shakes and puppy kisses-- Sadie Lewis