Friday, March 21, 2008

Max Schmax

Something very disturbing has come to my attention. I owe this to the colleague that Mom was travelling with this week, who is a dog owner herself (Hi Mojo!), as most reasonably intelligent humans are. She sent this link to an article on

Let me start with the fact that I am appalled that I was not interviewed for this story. Neither was my mentor, Jack. I consider these horrendous oversights on the part of this "Sarah Jio" of CNN. I checked out "Max the Golden Retriever," and I have to say, I wasn't impressed. Who taught this dog English? Has he never read Strunk & White? I suppose this is what we have to expect from a Golden Retriever, but I never expected something so juvenile, base, and--dare I say--boring to show up on national news. I have sent my complaints to CNN, and I will let you know, dear readers, as soon as I hear back from them. As for the rest of you struggling artists out there, keep on writing, and have faith that someday soon, the world will be able to distinguish true literary greatness from amateur drivel. And Mojo, anytime you want to write a guest post, just say the word.


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Oops! Now I've gone and called you "Max" when I clearly meant Oliver! : )

Very best,
